Implementing new system call

1. Define interface of system call and add it to system call table

For example, assume we are implementing sched_setaffinity(2). You must add the prototype of the function implementing it to shim_table.h:

long shim_do_sched_setaffinity(pid_t pid, unsigned int len, unsigned long* user_mask_ptr);

Note that we use the following naming convetion: shim_do_ followed by an actual syscall name. Additionally this function should return long. Now you need to add an appropriate entry in the syscalls table in shim_table-$(ARCH).c:

[__NR_sched_setaffinity] = (shim_fp)shim_do_sched_setaffinity

2. Implement system call

You can add the function body of shim_do_sched_setaffinity in a new source file or any existing source file in LibOS/shim/src/sys.

For example, in LibOS/shim/src/sys/shim_sched.c:

long shim_do_sched_setaffinity(pid_t pid, unsigned int len, unsigned long* user_mask_ptr) {
   /* code for implementing the semantics of sched_setaffinity */

3. Add new PAL Calls (optional)

The concept of Gramine library OS is to keep the PAL interface as simple as possible. So, you should not add new PAL calls if the features can be fully implemented inside the library OS using the existing PAL calls. However, sometimes the OS features needed involve low-level operations inside the host OS and cannot be emulated inside the library OS. Therefore, you may have to add a few new PAL calls to the existing interface.

To add a new PAL call, first modify Pal/include/pal/pal.h. Define the PAL call in a platform-independent way:

PAL_BOL DkThreadSetCPUAffinity(PAL_NUM cpu_num, PAL_IDX* cpu_indexes);

Make sure you use the PAL-specific data types, including PAL_BOL, PAL_NUM, PAL_PTR, PAL_FLG, PAL_IDX, and PAL_STR. The naming convention of a PAL call is to start functions with the Dk prefix, followed by a comprehensive name describing the purpose of the PAL call.

4. Export new PAL calls from PAL binaries (optional)

For each directory in PAL/host/, there is a file. This file lists all the symbols accessible to the library OS. The new PAL call needs to be listed here in order to be used by your system call implementation.

5. Implement new PAL calls (optional)


(Not finished…)