gramine-sgx-sign – Gramine SIGSTRUCT generator


gramine-sgx-sign [OPTION]… –output output_manifest –key key_file –manifest manifest_file


gramine-sgx-sign is used to expand Trusted Files and generate signature file for given input manifest and libpal file (main Gramine binary).

Command line arguments

--output output_manifest, -o output_manifest

Path to the output manifest file (with Trusted Files expanded).

--key key_file, -k key_file

Path to the private key used for signing.

--manifest manifest_file, -m manifest_file

Input manifest file.

--libpal libpal_path, -l libpal_path

Path to libpal file (main Gramine binary).

--sigfile sigfile, -s sigfile

Path to the output file containing SIGSTRUCT. If not provided, manifest_file will be used with “.manifest” (if present) removed from the end and with “.sig” appended.