
This is documentation for the development version of the project, aka master branch. If you installed Gramine from packages, documentation for the stable version is available at

gramine-manifest-check – Gramine manifest schema validator


gramine-manifest-check [MANIFEST-FILE]


The program gramine-manifest-check is used to check manifests for compliance with builtin manifest schema.

If the manifest contains entries that are not parsed by Gramine itself (possibly misspelled real options) or does not contain mandatory options, gramine-manifest-check exits non-zero and short diagnostics describing the path into data structure will be output to standard error. If the manifest is OK, nothing is printed and the tool exits with return code 0.

Note that options that are allowed and/or mandatory for default LibOS implementation ( are considered allowed/mandatory in schema. Therefore, if you have another LibOS implementation (like it happens in PAL test suite), the check may be wrong.

By default the check is already performed in gramine-manifest (see gramine-manifest --check). This standalone tool may be useful for example to validate existing manifests when updating Gramine version.